Why battlefield 3 won't launch. DirectX Error when trying to connect to Battlelog

We begin to analyze the problems in Battlefield 3.

Throws you out of the game after 2-3 minutes: I’m adding a solution to the beginning of the article, since all the dances with a tambourine described below did not always help update Windows. After the update, only 2-3 flights were observed in two days.

To begin with, if problems arise, such as the game freezing and crashing, or a black or white screen appearing when loading, we try to do the following:

In Origin, right-click on the image of Battlefield 3, in the menu that appears, click on the line “Troubleshoot problems in the game.”

We wait for the installation to check, then we see the following window:

Some 48 MB update was downloaded, although the Batello indicated that the Battlefield 3 update was not required.

Solving sound problems:
During the game, some sounds disappear (you can't hear shots, but when they shoot at me, you can hear everything).
Solving sound problems:
Go to the folder C:\Users\\Documents\Battlefield 3\settings
Open PROF_SAVE_profile with notepad 3) Find GstAudio.AudioQuality 0 and change the value from 0 to 1

When starting the game - a dark window and the words “loading” (and that’s it)

Application not found or There is no program associated with this file for this action. Install the program, or, if it is already installed, create an association by using the Default Programs component of Control Panel. Another option is that Word opens instead of Battlelog

Solution: Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Default Programs\Select Default Programs. Select your favorite browser and click “Set this program as default”

If any problems are discovered with Battlefield 3 and ways to deal with them, the list of tips will be replenished. Don't forget to look at forum.

Please share your solutions in the comments, this will help your comrades in arms.

Battlefield 3 is a very popular action game among gamers all over the world. If you have problems launching this application, this article is just for you. We will try to answer all common questions and solve the problem.

Battlefield 3 won't start? Is Origin giving an error? Possible reasons

The new generation of gaming software requires powerful computer system specifications. Regular crashes from the game are also possible, which are quite difficult to fix.

There are several most common reasons why Battlefield 3 does not launch on your personal computer or laptop:

  1. The driver software is out of date and requires updates.
  2. Problems with the motherboard. Check whether all busbars of the main system circuit are properly secured. To do this, open the device case, disconnecting it from the power supply in advance. All busbars must be in tight contact with the board and adjacent device.
  3. The video card is burned out or is not functioning correctly.
  4. The game's graphic settings are too heavy.
  5. Overheating of the processor (especially important for laptops).
  6. Lack of RAM. This may be the reason why Battlefield 3 does not start. Do not occupy the computer with other complex processes while playing the game, because there may not be enough RAM, and thus the computer system will begin to get rid of the most expensive applications, in particular the game.
  7. Newly installed next generation operating system. If you have reinstalled the OS in the last few days, then the game does not start for good reason. New generation systems may not support some applications for some time. Please wait until the developers release a compatible driver software package.
  8. The game parameters are incompatible with the hardware of a personal computer or laptop.

Incompatibility of computer and game settings

The application requires quite serious technical characteristics. If you just purchased a game and it crashes after installation, then perhaps one of the settings on your computer system is incompatible with the program. This is why Battlefield 3 won't launch.

For smooth operation of the game, your laptop or personal computer must meet the following characteristics:

  1. 32-bit Windows operating system, seventh generation or higher.
  2. Quad-core processor.
  3. 4 GB of device RAM.
  4. 1 GB video memory. Manufacturer - NVIDIA.
  5. The sound card must be compatible with the DirectX application.

What to do if Battlefield 3 won't launch? Solving driver problems

If you played the game absolutely normally, but recently it stopped starting, you should install new video card drivers.

A driver is a special type of installed system program that ensures the normal functioning of all adapters and devices connected to the computer system. Battlefield 3 does not start, in most cases, precisely because of faulty drivers.

Go to the device control panel and check if all installed drivers are working correctly. If not, then update them to newer versions. Restart your computer and launch the game. The problem should be resolved.

The video card burned out

If reinstalling the driver did not help, then most likely one of the main elements in the hardware structure of all PCs and laptops has failed - the video card. Installing a new one can be quite expensive.

Do not rush to throw a broken board in the trash. In many cases, it can be brought back to life even at home. Try replacing the card's capacitors, because most often they are the ones that fail, while all other components are in working order.

While the gaming video card is being repaired, you can use the one built into your motherboard or processor. The fact is that many inexperienced users do not know anything about the fact that almost all manufacturers, in addition to additional video cards, implement one into the main system circuit.

If you do not understand the structure of a computer, take the broken item to a service center to receive professional technical support. It is advisable to check the video card for failures once every six months.

Battlefield 3 is a fairly popular game, even though several new parts of the famous series have been released. However, from time to time players are faced with the fact that this particular shooter refuses to launch. In such cases, it is worth studying the problem in more detail and finding a solution, rather than sitting idly by. This way you can play your favorite game much faster.

There are unconfirmed rumors that the developers of the Battlefield game series from DICE like to turn off the servers of the third part during the release of new episodes of the action movie. Such problems were observed especially often during the release of Battlefield 4, Hardline, 1. Allegedly, this is being done so that players go to work on fresh products, which would increase online, overall turnout, and also, in principle, make people fall in love with new projects and move away from old ones .

Whether this is true or not is a mystery behind seven seals. Experts call a more prosaic reason. Shutting down the most popular old game allows DICE to better work on the servers of new games to debug their work in the early stages. Otherwise, the gameplay in all games could simply crash due to unexpected errors. And since Battlefield 3 is one of the most popular games from this manufacturer, it is usually turned off.

Be that as it may, it is worth conducting a detailed analysis of the situation on the computer. After diagnosis, it is worth looking for solutions to problems. After all, they may not always be hidden in the DICE conspiracy theory.

Reason 1: Client failure

One of the main causes of the problem is the problem with launching the game through the Origin client. For example, the program may not respond at all to attempts to start the game, and may also incorrectly execute commands it receives. In such a situation, you should try to perform a clean reinstallation of the client.

If this was indeed the problem, then it will be solved.

Reason 2: Problems with Battlelog

Battlefield 3 runs on servers under the general control of the Battlelog network. Sometimes this service can also fail. It usually looks like this: the user successfully launches the game through the Origin client, the system transfers it to Battlelog, but there nothing reacts in any way to the attempt to go into battle.

In this case, you should try the following measures:

  1. Reinstalling the browser. Access to Battlelog is carried out through a standard browser installed by default on the system. The developers themselves note that when using Google Chrome, this problem occurs least often. It is best suited for working with Battlelog.
  2. Transition from the site. Sometimes the problem can be created after switching from the Origin client to the Battlelog system. During the process, the server incorrectly accepts user data, and therefore the system does not work correctly. You should check this problem and try to launch Battlefield 1 from the official Origin website, having first logged in there. Often this move helps. If the problem is confirmed, then you should perform a clean reinstallation of the client.
  3. Re-authorization. In some cases, logging out of your account in the Origin client and re-authorizing may help. After this, the system can begin transmitting data to the server correctly. To do this, you need to select a section in the program header "Origin" and press the button "Go out"

If any of these measures worked, then the problem was indeed a problem with Battlelog.

Reason 3: Installation or update failed

In some cases, the crash may occur due to errors when installing the game or client. This is usually difficult to diagnose immediately. Most often, the problem occurs when you try to launch the game - the client minimizes, but nothing happens. Also, when I launch the game in Battlelog, the game opens, but it either instantly crashes or freezes.

In such a situation, you should try to perform a clean reinstallation of the Origin program, and then uninstall Battlefield 3. After this, you need to restart your computer and re-download the game. If possible, it is best to try installing it in a different directory on your computer, and ideally on a different local drive.

A good choice would be to install the game on the root drive - the one on which Windows is installed. This approach is universal for programs for which such an arrangement is important.

Reason 4: Incomplete set of required software

Like any other program, the system for using Battlefield 3 (which consists of the Origin client, the Battlelog network and the game itself) requires certain software on your computer. Here is a complete list of everything you need to run without problems:

If problems occur with the launch of the game, you should try to install and update this list of software. After this, you need to restart your computer and try to launch Battlefield again.

Reason 5: Conflict processes

Typically, a system runs a huge number of different processes. Some of these may interfere with the operation of Battlelog, Origin, or the game itself. So the best option would be to run Windows cleanly with a minimal set of features. To do this, you will need to carry out the following activities:

Now you can enjoy the game process without any problems.

Reason 6: Internet connection problems

Typically, if there are problems with the connection, the system issues appropriate alerts. However, it is still worth checking and trying the following points:

Reason 7: Security issues

Your computer's security settings may prevent game components from launching. It's worth checking them carefully.

  1. You will need to add both the game itself and the Origin client to the exclusion lists in your antivirus software.
  2. You should also check your computer's firewall and try disabling it.
  3. In addition, it would be a good idea to perform a full system scan for viruses. They may also directly or indirectly interfere with the operation of game components.

Reason 8: Technical problems

Ultimately, it's worth checking to see if the computer itself is working properly.

If the problem really lay in the computer itself, these measures should be enough to change the situation.

Reason 9: Non-working servers

If none of the above helps, then the problem lies in the operation of the game servers. They are either overloaded or intentionally disabled by the developers. In such a situation, all that remains is to wait for the system to work properly again.


As you can see, the problem with launching Battlefield 3 is quite multifaceted. In most cases, the cause is the inoperability of the game servers, but it is still worth trying to check for other possible problems. There is a high probability that DICE is not to blame at all, and you will be able to play your favorite game very soon - immediately after the problem is resolved.

A sea of ​​explosions, colorful landscapes, mesmerizing sound and exciting multiplayer battles - all this is the game Battlefield 3, developed by the Swedish studio DICE and published by EA in 2011. The Frostbite 2 engine, on which the entire architecture of the game is built, managed to produce very high-quality images and physics, for which we sincerely thank the developers. At the same time, it was this element that gave rise to many dissatisfied reviews from fans who came face to face with a bunch of bugs and freezes. Next, we will analyze the game’s errors in more detail, tell you where to find codes for Origin on Battlefield 3, and for now, a short review of the popular shooter.

Battlefield 3 single review

The single-player campaign will tell us about the story of American Marine Henry Blackburn, who was arrested by CIA agents. The player’s most important task will be to capture Solomon, the man who is preparing the big one. Of course, we need to prevent him. The storyline is presented under the guise of the protagonist’s memories, and the geography of hot spots will spread to Azerbaijan, France, Iran and other places where crowds of enemies and huge columns of equipment will constantly be waiting. In general, the single turned out to be rather faded and boring: you can’t sympathize with the main characters, there are no sharp turns in the plot, and there aren’t that many really interesting missions.

Battlefield 3 multiplayer review

However, all the disadvantages of the single-player campaign are completely negated by the excellent multiplayer mode. The Battlefield series has always been distinguished by the scale of virtual battles, but our hero has set a new bar in this aspect (we're talking about 2011). Of course, the most notable feature was global destruction, which was successfully recreated in the Frostbite 2 engine. This fact made it possible to slightly modify the maps, which radically affects the gameplay in general. Of course, this is not Levolution from Battlefield 4, but it’s not bad either. The game has available land, sea and air types of equipment (tanks, armored personnel carriers, airplanes, helicopters, military jeeps, boats and others) that gamers can use. In general, online everything looks dynamic, impressive and exciting. Add to this a wide range of weapons, the ability to choose classes and partial customization - and you get the best multiplayer shooter of 2011.

Activation of Battlefield 3 (Origin)

You can activate the next part of the sensational series in the Origin digital service, created by analogy with Steam and Uplay. You can easily buy a Battlefield 3 product code from online stores and retail outlets. Origin also has its own store where interesting promotions are held from time to time. In order to activate, you need to download and install the application itself, and then do the following: go to Origin => “Settings” => “Activate product code” => Enter the Battlefield 3 key in the field. Origin will activate it and add it to the list of yours games, from where you can download the title to your PC. Next, we will look at a list of known errors that players often encounter.

Departures from (Disconnect from server)

  1. First, you need to install/reinstall PunkBuster.
  2. After installation, move the PB folder to the root directory of the game.
  3. In the Origin service, right-click on the Battlefield 3 shortcut and select "Fix installation".

After following these steps, the problem should go away.

The game won't start

As a rule, this problem is faced by owners of very old machines or those players who have not yet gotten rid of Windows XP, which does not have support for DirectX 10 and 11. In view of this, we strongly recommend changing the OS version to Vista or higher. If the problem persists, make sure that your video card supports DirectX 10. Otherwise, reinstall the Battlefield 3 game. Origin will be the best way to download the game distribution.

When logging in I get an error: You were disconnected from the login server

If you encounter this problem, be sure to check the hosts file located at: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. You also have the option to replace it with the default file.

All kinds of sound problems

If you notice distortion or interruption in the sound while playing, try the following:

  1. Install Bill2′s Process Manager v3.4.3.3 (it is advisable to install this version).
  2. Restart your PC.
  3. Launch the game.
  4. Open the manager and set the match by removing the first (zero) processor.

There are several comments on this point:

  • If you change anything in the manager, you can save matches for all kinds of programs.
  • It is possible to Russify the program during installation.
  • You can try changing the sample rate in Windows audio settings.

Sometimes wheezing or complete loss of sound is noticed, which, of course, reduces the enjoyment of the game. If this problem occurs, go to the following location: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Battlefield 3\settings. Open the PROF_SAVE_profile file using standard notepad, find GstAudio.AudioQuality there and change the value 0 to 1, then save the changes.

Background problems

If this problem occurs, download an earlier version of Origin and install it on top of yours. When the installation begins, you will be warned about installing the old version. Agree. After these operations, Battlefield 3 should work normally. Origin, in turn, will update to the previous version on its own.

Connection timed out

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Enter services.msc in the search field, after which the required file will be found. Launch it.
  3. The "Services" window will open, where you need to find UPnP Device Host and stop this service.
  4. Do the same with the SSDP Discovery service.
  5. Close the services window, then go to the "Network and Sharing Center" menu item and disable network discovery in the network access settings.

Other errors

APPCRASH atidxx32.dll

If this error occurs, update the DirectX libraries and drivers for the ATI video card to the latest version. Try not to use beta versions.

APPCRASH dxdi.dll

If Ati Tray Tools or Riva Tuner are installed on your PC, disable them.

APPCRASH dxdi.dll

Go to the “Start” menu => “Search” => cmd => Enter bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2500 in the command line => Press Enter => Wait for the operation to complete => Reboot the PC. If you want to return the changes to the original value, then write bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva on the command line and restart the computer.

In conclusion

Finally, let’s say that by 2014, Battlefield 3 managed to sell 20 million copies, becoming one of the most popular shooters in the gaming industry. Well, if you haven’t tried this masterpiece yet, head to the store! And if you have any problems (Battlefield 3 won’t start, Origin is glitchy, the sound is creaking), then read our article. Perhaps she will help solve them in the shortest possible time.